
From Kudu to Panther – International Structured Light and Matter Conference Coming to Graz

After a successful bid, the next edition of the International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM) – the most important conference of the structured light scientific communities – will be held in Graz, Austria in 2026.

Polarization-based traffic control for light

By using light’s polarization as a control knob, an international collaboration of researchers from Canada, Mexico, Germany and Austria experimentally demonstrate and theoretically interpret tunable directional routing of light.

On the 180th anniversary of Ludwig Boltzmann's birth: Physics building receives award

The physics building at Universitätsplatz 5 received a special distinction: it was included as number 75 in the "Historic Sites" of the European Physical Society. And this just in the 180th year of the birth of the University of Graz researcher Ludwig Boltzmann

73rd Lindau Meeting

Dorian Brandmüller from the Institute of Physics at the University of Graz invited to join the prestigious Lindau Meeting 2024

Research, cross-borders

Max Planck Society and University of Graz sign official cooperation agreement

Structured Light and Networks of Photonic Highways

In a recently published research article, Peter Banzer and his team report on the measurements of structured light using integrated photonic processors, a network of highways for light.

New photonic chip can generate and measure customised light fields for the first time

They send light, like tiny cars, along sophisticated paths across a silicon surface. And they do this on a chip the size of the tip of a small finger. In these waveguides, they have the light firmly under control. Researchers at the University of Graz have succeeded for the first time in operating a system that simultaneously fulfills two different functions on an integrated photonic chip: Not only can the incident light be measured, but a light field with specific properties can now also be generated in a targeted manner. The work is a milestone for the interaction of light fields and integrated optical circuits and opens doors for many new applications in sensor technology, communication and imaging.

Light micros and efficient e-cars: Doppler lab for novel sensors launches

They use shaped light to measure sound and microwaves to spy on the torque in the e-car. Alexander Bergmann and Peter Banzer are working on completely new types of sensors in the Christian Doppler Laboratory, which opened today.